TIDES Europe Presentation
Will you be at TIDES Europe next month? Make sure to attend our presentation, Electrostatic Drying Technology and Solvent-Based Therapeutics – Solvent Removal and Drying in a One-Step Process.

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Dr. Jyothi Rangineni will discuss how electrostatic drying (ESD) technology provides a one-step solution for drying solvent-based heat-sensitive biotherapeutics with minimal loss of therapeutic activity and maintaining high purity without sacrificing yield in large-scale production, improving production capacity, and eliminating evaporation and filtration steps. ESD's unique drying principle allows for faster evaporation of water or solvent at moderate temperatures, producing powders with the desired particle and powder properties. ESD enables continuous and faster drying at moderate temperatures with high yields while maintaining the purity of the therapeutic compared to freeze drying and conventional spray drying. The moderate temperatures used in ESD prevent reactions of solvents with the active therapeutic agent, which can result in the formation of impurities or loss of activity and yield that occur at higher temperatures in conventional spray drying. This presentation will showcase the many benefits of ESD and also discuss case studies highlighting the advantages of ESD over traditional drying processes.
Mark your calendars now to join the presentation – it’s on Wednesday, November 13 at 7:30am.
And make sure to stop by our booth #416 to talk with us one-on-one about the presentation or your product needs.