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Last week, we attended TIDES USA. More than 130 visitors stopped by our booth or watched our joint presentation, Oligonucleotide Production Capacity Improvement with PolarDry® Electrostatic Drying (ESD) Technology, with Nitto Avecia.

microscope pointed at white powder in a petri dish


May 24

Last week, we attended TIDES USA. More than 130 visitors stopped by our booth or watched our joint presentation, Oligonucleotide Production Capacity Improvement with PolarDry® Electrostatic Drying (ESD) Technology, with Nitto Avecia.

Here are a few of the key themes we heard about the challenges facing oligonucleotide and peptide producers during the show.

  • • The product development and launch process is faster than it’s ever been. Getting to market fast offers critical advantages for establishing market leadership and realizing ROI.
  • • Thermally sensitive peptide and oligonucleotide technologies offer exciting breakthroughs, but they require different manufacturing processes and regulatory considerations to bring to market.
  • • Scaling from laboratory to production scale can be challenging and slow down the product introduction timeline.

These are the challenges that new technologies like Polar Dry® electrostatic drying can help therapeutics manufacturers solve. Electrostatic Drying technology offers a solution to improve the production capacity of oligonucleotides without sacrificing yield in large-scale production.

Did you miss the show? It’s not too late to get the highlights from our joint presentation and talk about your challenges. Simply email us to schedule a time that works for you.